Sonntag, 19. Mai 2024

Follow me... An erotic "Good-Night-Fairytale"



 Follow me... An erotic "Good-Night-Fairytale"

The first time I saw you was at the coffeehouse round the corner...
What a man! You were sitting at a table at the window, having a
cup of Darjeeling tea, reading a newspaper, but noticing
every single detail that happened around you.

You also notice me, look at me, and I nearly break down - the eye
contact so intensive! I feel attracted immediately!
The coffeehouse is crowded, no free table left for me. So I move
towards your table and ask if I may sit down.
And you invite me to take seat. While ordering a cup of coffee I
suddenly feel that you are watching my boobs and I start
getting nervous...
While I am sipping my coffee I begin to dream... How would your
hands feel on my boobs... or between my legs? Would you dare to
touch my pussy? I am getting more and more excited. I want you!
Hmmm... What shall I do? You are so sexy, and I want you right here,
right now! What would you do if you knew that I do not wear any
Suddenly I feel your knee touching mine under the table.
OMG!! Where is my selfcontol? And I hear myself whispering to you:
"Excuse me, Sir, would you like to f**ck me?"...

And we pay our bills, leave the coffeehouse and walk to my house.
As soon as we have closed the door again behind us we begin to undress,
kissing each other all over. Oh, I like your fragrance and the taste
of your skin... I want more, so much more...
I open the door to my bedroom, and you push me inside and onto my large

And now, my dear friend, what would you like to do next?




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